A/W11 Marios Schwab review

Marios Schwab

There is a strict balance uniting two sides of Marios Schwab’s collection. Leather and wool become dress; structure and floatiness become woman.
The vibration of the music has a sensuous feeling at the beginning; then builds to a crescendo that becomes craziness. The fashion reflects this. After the initial sleek looks where the harness straps that hold together the garments almost draw the model’s silhouette and high neck shirts are rocked up by oxblood leather trousers; when the music explodes, we wow at puffy coats and floaty silks. The structure remains, always in the most vibrant colours, offering a vision of beautifully tailored dresses, enriched with pearl details along the neckline, the bust and the arms.
Marios Schwab gives a lesson on craft and the magic of details. Superb.


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