A/W11 Meadham Kirchhoff Review
Meadham Kirchhoff
In the Topshop space the show starts in respectful silence for Meadham Kirchhoff. Accompanied by suave French music, the audience is left alone in front of what looks like a tribute to the designer’s past work. Faded photos, candles, messages that belong to arts and fashion: “Everything I am is borrowed” “I am a lie that tells the truth.”
Once the atmosphere is touchable, the unexpected Psycho soundtrack gives everyone a shiver. A group of 25 models march out at the same time, creating a very unusual catwalk, as well as possibly the fastest ever! Confusing sleepless reporters and driving the photographers mental, the models quickly show off a look that seems a mix of Bavarian style and Catholic School uniforms.
Red, black and white are the only colours of the collection. Peasant blouses under chunky salopettes and short trousers. Shearling coats on ruffled cotton skirts. Modest shirts with Peruvian embroidery, old fashioned big underpants and binary hair locks.
But, hey! They are gone. Ed and Ben come out to get their deserved ovation and we are all left wanting more.